Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Can Kettlebells Help Hockey Play?

See below for a special gift

Oh, man, am I one of the luckiest guys on the face of the earth? :)
Well, no, I'm not talking about hitting the lottery here. However, I do seem to always luck into new twists in unique advice, whether it's by way of a friend, or just from my travels in the hockey world or on the Internet.
And, that brings me to the title question: Can kettlebells help hockey play? Hmmmmm... I believe they can, I said as much a few years ago within these pages, and I'm going to offer a lot more fodder over coming weeks to convince newer members even more.
-- Dennis Chighisola

Can Kettlebells Help Hockey Play?

As most members know, my good luck started long ago, when I had the fortune to study in the former Soviet Union. There I discovered and brought home many training principles that hadn't even been considered here in North America. I didn't discover kettlebells while in Moscow, but my constant following of the Soviet's practice methods led me to hear about them some years later. In fact, I wrote about that in an article I'd recommend to any coach, parent or older player, because I believe I started answering that question back then, about the way kettlebells help hockey play. Give it a browse, if you would... "Reviving Old Soviet Strength Training Methods". Now, I actually have a couple of gifts -- for members and even for non-members...
can kettlebells help hockey play?I have a special page reserved for members only, and it can only be accessed by CoachChic.com members. It contains a free manual called "Kettlebell Transformation". There a member can download and keep his or her own copy of that manual.
Below, both members and non-members have access to an interesting video that kinda sells the benefits of those unique training aids, and it ought to start answering that question, can kettlebells help hockey play.
Beginning next week, members only will have access to a special ten-video series that will cover every aspect of kettlebell training, with a new video appearing every few days.
Here's what I'm really hoping... I've been through this course twice so far now, and I'm getting to the point where I think I could teach it. Actually, once the holidays are over here, I plan on getting my own kettlebells (although dumbbells might be okay) and starting the course from scratch. Honestly, I think most hockey coaches, moms and dads and older players would be wise to try the course, too. Then, once the spring months come around, I sense that most who have studied the course enough could begin teaching kettlebell techniques to teams, thus proving right along with me that, kettlebells can help hockey players. Will you have questions down the road, especially when it comes to adapting some movement to hockey? Sure. But, that's why I' always here.
PS: Plug "kettlebells" into the CoachChic.com search, and discover several pages mentioning them.
PPS: In the recent article I wrote on the great Lionel Messi, I mentioned how impressed I was at his conditioning. Now, I wonder whether if some of that came from work with kettlebells. Hmmmmm...
http://coachchic2.s3.amazonaws.com/Kettlebells/1%20Introduction.mp4 *Just so you know, I already purchased this entire program for my members, so there's no more cost to you beyond membership in CoachChic.com. **I also secured some awesome extra bonuses for my members, so those will also be rolled out within this site in a timely manner. So, if you're not already a member, get in before it's too late...

Join CoachChic.com now -- for just $1.00 and get the book, bonuses and the video series... can kettlebells help hockey play?

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