Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Implementing A Simple Forecheck - The "L"

As you likely know, there are countless forechecks being used at all the various levels of our game -- some very aggressive, others more passive. Still, I find the "L" forecheck to be the simplest of all, and easy enough for most beginners and intermediate players to eventually understand and execute. Better yet, as you'll soon discover, this forecheck is great for teaching basic playing principles. Also, I think my explanation of this strategy provides some insight into the way I deal with our game (and the way you can expect me to deal with most other areas). I mean, a lot of coaches will just dump a sketch in your lap and expect you to go out and immediately teach it. As you'll see, however, there's a lot more that should be understood about any given tactic or strategy, including the thought processes or decisions each player encounters. And, once he or she has gotten into the following, I think any member coach will have the confidence to implement -- and even troubleshoot -- this simple way to forecheck. http://coachchic2.s3.amazonaws.com/The%20-L-Forecheck.mp4

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